Garry Winogrand, Los Angeles, California 1969
I have always appreciated Garry Winogrand's ability, like Bresson, to capture the decisive moment. I chose this image because of the dramatic back lit figures with their sweeping dynamic shadows; they have been captured in a moment of action and the juxtaposition of the figures that seem to be coming from a shopping spree with those of the figures waiting at the bus stop and the man hunched over in the wheel chair seem to speak of a class struggle or at least a narrative commentary on the interaction of classes.
Jerry Uelsmann, Untitled 1976
Jerry Uelsmann was one of the masters that inspired me early on. I could truly appreciate his craftsmanship in the darkroom in a time when advances in digital photography where making it easier for anyone with a computer to make similar composite imagery without the experience of a master. But despite the advances in digital software and even compared with some of the most skilled digital guru's Uelsmann's work (especially in person) is second-to-none.